Thursday 6 July 2017


Title: Bestfriend by Jason Chen

Original Lyrics:

Through all the dudes that came by
And all the nights that you'd cry.
Girl, I was there right by your side.
How could I tell you I loved you
When you were so happy
With some other guy?

Now I realize you were the only one
It's never too late to show it.
Grow old together,
Have feelings we had before
When we were so innocent.

I pray for all your love
Girl, our love is so unreal
I just wanna reach and touch you, squeeze you, somebody pinch me
(I must be dreaming)
This is something like a movie
And I don't know how it ends, girl
But I fell in love with my best friend

Amidst all the guys you had
And the nights that you cried
I am always at your side
But I can't tell that I love you
If you're happy with him
You are my only one 
and it's not too late too show it
We'll be together
And have the same love as before
All I wish is your love
This so absurd
I just want to be with you
Just like a movie
I don't know how it will end
But I am in-love with my bestfriend 


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